The Ultimate Guide to Storing Fresh Herbs with a Vacuum Sealer

The Ultimate Guide to Storing Fresh Herbs with a Vacuum Sealer

Posted by Avid Armor on Aug 20th 2024

Herbs are the unsung heroes of the kitchen—they add flavor, fragrance, and a burst of color to any dish. But keeping them fresh can be a challenge, especially if you’re trying to avoid waste. That’s where your Avid Armor vacuum sealer comes in! Whether you’re preserving the last of your summer basil or stocking up on rosemary for winter roasts, vacuum sealing is a game-changer for extending the life of your herbs while locking in that garden-fresh flavor.

Why Vacuum Seal Fresh Herbs?

Fresh herbs are delicate and can wilt, dry out, or lose their flavor quickly when stored improperly. Vacuum sealing removes air from the packaging, which is the main culprit behind spoilage and flavor loss. By creating an airtight seal, you’re protecting your herbs from moisture, oxygen, and freezer burn, keeping them vibrant and flavorful for months.

vacuum sealed rosemary

Best Times of the Year to Preserve Fresh Herbs

The ideal time to preserve herbs is during their peak growing season—spring and summer—when they’re the most abundant and flavorful. However, different herbs have varying seasons:

  • Basil, cilantro, and mint: Best preserved in late spring to early summer.
  • Thyme, rosemary, and sage: Peak in late summer to early fall.
  • Parsley and chives: Grow best in spring and fall, making them versatile for preservation throughout the year.

vacuum sealed cilantro

How to Properly Store Fresh Herbs Using a Vacuum Sealer

  1. Harvest and Prep: Pick your herbs early in the morning after the dew has dried but before the sun is too strong. This is when the essential oils—and thus the flavor—are at their peak. Wash the herbs gently and pat them dry with a paper towel or allow them to air dry completely. Excess moisture can cause the herbs to freeze unevenly or become mushy.
  2. Portion Control: Consider how you’ll use the herbs later. If you often use a tablespoon at a time, portion them out before sealing. This way, you can grab what you need without exposing the rest to air.
  3. Pre-Freeze for Better Texture: For soft herbs like basil or mint, it’s a good idea to pre-freeze them on a baking sheet before vacuum sealing. This prevents them from being crushed during the sealing process and helps maintain their texture.
  4. Vacuum Seal: Place the herbs in a vacuum sealer bag or roll, leaving a bit of space between the leaves. Seal them using your Avid Armor vacuum sealer, ensuring that the herbs are spread out in a single layer. If you prefer, you can use the Avid Armor 3-piece canister set to seal delicate herbs. This method is ideal because the canisters create an airtight seal without applying pressure directly on the herbs, keeping them intact and preserving their fresh appearance.
  5. Label and Store: Always label your sealed bags with the herb type and date. Store them in the freezer for long-term preservation, or in the refrigerator if you plan to use them within a few weeks.

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Flavor and Freshness

  • Blanch Before Freezing: For herbs like basil, blanching (a quick dip in boiling water followed by an ice bath) can help preserve their color and flavor. Just be sure they’re completely dry before vacuum sealing.
  • Add Olive Oil: For a flavor-packed option, chop your herbs and mix them with olive oil before vacuum sealing. This creates a ready-to-use base for sauces, soups, or sautéed dishes.
  • Create Herb Cubes: For easy portioning, consider freezing chopped herbs in ice cube trays with a little water or broth. Once frozen, pop the cubes into a vacuum sealer bag and seal. These are perfect for dropping into soups, stews, or sauces.
  • Seal Herbs with Proteins: Place fresh herbs like dill, parsley, or thyme directly on fish like salmon or a steak before vacuum sealing. This allows the herbs to infuse the protein, making your meals even more delicious.

rosemary infused ice cubes pork chops with sage and rosemary

Ideas for Utilizing Vacuum-Sealed Herbs

  • Flavorful Soups and Stews: Add a handful of vacuum-sealed rosemary or thyme to your winter soups and stews for a burst of garden-fresh flavor.
  • Homemade Pesto: Use your vacuum-sealed basil to whip up a fresh pesto sauce that tastes like summer, even in the middle of winter.
  • Herb Butter: Mix vacuum-sealed herbs like parsley, chives, or dill into softened butter for a delicious spread on bread or a finishing touch on steaks and vegetables.
  • Infused Oils and Vinegars: Use vacuum-sealed herbs to create infused oils and vinegars that can elevate any dish.

herb compound butter herb infused olive oil

Final Thoughts

Vacuum sealing fresh herbs is not just about preserving them—it’s about preserving their flavor, aroma, and the joy they bring to your cooking. With your Avid Armor vacuum sealer, you can savor the taste of summer all year long and reduce food waste in the process. So, get sealing, and let your culinary creations shine with the freshest herbs possible!